About HRD
Extracts from
Training Policy -
Programs -
About Us
Customs Administrations of each and every country in the world is facing huge challenges with the emerging trends such as modernization, globalization, technological innovations, restructuring processes and optimization of workforces. All these factors are directly related to Customs Professional Development which indicated the importance of giving high priority to Human Resources Development in Customs administrations. Pursuing this inspiration, Human Resources Development (HRD) Directorate of Sri Lanka Customs always focus on facilitating not only officers of the department but also other outside stakeholders who involves in processes related with Customs and Border Protection.
To be the excellent training division for the Customs Department
Capacity building for seamless services integration abreast with changes in the international Customs, trade and security landscape, and also to contribute as the Customs think tank of Sri Lanka in the national Socio – economic development of the country.
- Responsible for enhancing capacities of employees of every level to achieve the departmental objectives
- Standardized training contents for new recruits and experienced officials when changing working positions
- Develop Human resources of the department to align best practices given by WCO/WTO with collaboration with WCO/WTO
- Formulation and deliverance of specific training programs to meet the Departmental aspirations
- Develop Professional and prominent Customs Officials through excellence of training
- Provide the innovative and effective learning environment
- Enhance the level of practicing of service ethics by Customs Officers
- Catering international requirement in human resources management.
- To operate as a training center for workers in trade and customs including customs brokers and importers/exporters to enhance their work capacity and compliance
As a matter of policy, the following principles will guide the organization of training in Customs department.
- Training will be focused on building the competencies of individual employees by providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to do their jobs in an effective and holistic manner.
- Training will be focused on improving the department’s overall performance vis-à-vis the key performance indicators/outcome indicators and will source or design, develop and implement necessary training to ensure that as a whole, the staff are equipped to fulfill the department’s mandate, in the context of a forward looking, public service oriented, revenue collecting department.
- In the interests of the greater good of the people and efficient use of public funds, the need for training in order to effectively implement the Department’s mandate, strategies, structure and functions will be the priority basis for selecting employees for training and will take precedence over seniority.
- In the interest of the greater good of the people and efficient use of public funds, training will be provided in order to build competencies and will not be provided as a prerequisite or a benefit.
- As the depository of new knowledge, the Training Division is committed to exploring new avenues for training, including new methods in the design and conduct of study courses.
- The department encourages employees to take greater responsibility for acquiring competencies needed for their professional and career development.
- Training will have a clear linkage to performance management, career development and succession planning.
Training Program Index
1. In House Programme
1.1 Programme No. LOC/I/001 – Awareness Programme on Investigation, Valuation,Classification/ Post Auditing/Plant and Animal quarantine
1.2 Programme No. LOC/I/002- Skills Development Programme for Appraiser
1.3 Programme No. LOC/I/003- Role of the Newly Appointed ACOO
1.4 Programme No. LOC/I/004- New Technique in Changing Functions in Preventive Division
1.5 Programme No. LOC/I/005- Programme Global Shield
1.6 Programme No. LOC/I/006- Computer Forensics
1.7 Programme No. LOC/I/007- Risk Management
1.8 Programme No. LOC/I/008- Gemology Diploma Course
1.9 Programme No. LOC/I/009- Criminology Course
1.10 Programme No. LOC/1/010- Awareness Programme for ICC
1.11 Programme No. LOC/1/011- Awareness Programme on modern Customs Activity
1.12 Programme No. LOC/1/012- Self Defense Course for Customs Officers Inspector of Customs, Customs Guards
1.13 Programme No. LOC/1/013- Body Language and Micro Expression
1.14 Programme No. LOC/1/014- Induction Training for Newly Appointed ASCC
1.15 Programme No. LOC/1/015- Induction Training for Newly Appointed ICC
1.16 Programme No. LOC/1/016- Induction Training for Newly Appointed Custom Guards
1.17 Programme No. LOC/1/017- Awareness Programme for Bio Diversity & Cultural Heritage
1.18 Programme No. LOC/1/018- Awareness Programme for Staff Officers on Customs Inquiry procedure
Foreign Study Tours, Seminars, Workshops, Post Graduate Degree Program Meetings/Training Courses etc.
*Sponsored by COM & C Fund and Transnational Agencies.
1. Anticipated Post Graduate Degree programs.
1.1 Masters Degree programs offered by National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies in Japan (GRIPS).
1.2 Joint Japan/World Bank Master’s Degree programs.
2. Anticipated Trainings, Tours, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences and Meetings.
2.1 Information Management Sub-Committee Meeting (IMSC Meeting) & WCO Data Model Project Team Meeting- Brussels
2.2 Asian Export Control Seminar- Different Locations
2.3 ASYCUDA WORLD Internship Program- Brussels
2.4 Session of the Harmonized System Committee WCO- Brussels
2.5 Session of the Enforcement Committee (EC), WCO- Brussels
2.6 Session of the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation (TCCV), WCO- Brussels
2.7 International Export Control Conference- Different Locations
2.8 WCO, IT Conference & Exhibition- Brussels
2.9 UNESCAP Single Window Implementation Activities- Different Locations
2.10 WCO/Asia Pacific Regional Workshop on Rules of Origin- Different Locations
2.11 WCO, RTC Seminar on Single Window & Customs Automation- Brussels
2.12 Regional Training for Drugs Law Enforcement Officers- Different Locations
2.13 Session of the customs co-operation council WCO- Brussels
2.14 WCO Regional Workshop on Countering Drug Smuggling by Air Passengers- Brussels
2.15 WCO Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Customs Modernization- Brussels
2.16 RILO NCP Meeting- Different Locations
*The allocations above may be changed as per the requests
Induction Training for New Recruits
- Recruitment in three levels for the permanent Customs Staff through open competitive Exam conducted by Department of Examinations
- Assistant Superintendent of Customs – Degree Qualification
- Inspector of Customs – Advanced Level Qualification
- Customs Guards – Ordinary Level Qualification
- After the recruitment, HRD conducts an intense training for the new recruits in order to inculcate them with basic knowledge and capacities required to perform the duties.
Local External Courses
Expected Course/ Programme | Name of the Institute | |
1 | Procurement Management | SLIDA/SDFL |
2 | Training of Trainers | SLIDA/SDFL |
3 | Personal Grooming and Image management | SDFL |
4 | Attitude Change | SLIDA/FI/SDFL |
5 | Identification of Geological items | Geological Survey & Mines Bureau |
6 | Driver Training | CETRAC |
7 | Information Technology | SLIDA/FI |
8 | Computer Literacy | SLIDA/FI |
9 | Computer Hardware | Arthur C Clarke Institute |
10 | Airline Procedure | Sri Lankan Airlines |
11 | Standards & Consumer Affairs | SLSI/SLIDA |
12 | Shipping / Shipping Fraud | Ceylon Shipping Corporation |
13 | Atomic Energy & Explosives | Atomic Energy Authority |
14 | Plant & Animal Quarantine | National Plant Quarantine Institute |
15 | Leadership Training | Out Station |
16 | Good Governance & Leadership | SLIDA/SDFL |
17 | Productivity & 5S | National Productivity Secretariat |
18 | Customer care & Public Relation | SLIDA/AFS |
19 | Office System | SLIDA/AFS/PSTI |
20 | Mega Port | Atomic Energy Authority |
21 | Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights & Commercial Law | AFS |
22 | Trade Facilitation | AFS |
23 | E-Government Policy of Sri Lanka | AFS |
24 | Export & Import Regulations | AFS |
25 | Exchange Control Regulations | AFS |
Certificate Course for CHA
Human Resource Development Directorate conducts the Certificate Course for Customs House Agents and Wharf Assistants Candidate who successfully Pass the above course are eligible to obtain a CHA Pass which is mandatory to work as a clearing Agent. We conduct the above Certificate Course for 3 batches per every year including 100 applicants for each batch. Course fee for the above Course is 12,000/- (LKR).
Applicants who are willing to enroll for the Certificate Course have to obtain a application form from Human Resource Development Directorate which is located at 9th Floor of Customs Head Office, Colombo 11.
Requirements to be fulfilled by the Applicant.
- The applicant should have passes for at least 6 subjects at the G. C. E. Ordinary level Examination including Sinhala/Tamil language, Mathematics and English.
- The applicant has to submit a “Letter of Request” from the employer to follow the CHA/WA Course only if the applicant has a T-Pass.
- The application should be submitted with the originals and certified copies (Certified by a Commissioner for Oaths) of the documents given below.
I. G.C.E. Ordinary Level Certificate issued by the Examination Department of Sri Lanka.
II. National Identity Card
III. Photocopies of the T-Passes of two years. (if applicable)
- Director of Customs +94 11 2221630 (Ext: 7940)
- Deputy Director of Customs +94 11 2221633 (Ext: 7943)
- Deputy Director of Customs (Ext: 7945)
- Superintendent of Customs (Ext: 7947)
- Assistant superintendent of Customs (OIC) (Ext: 7944)
- Customs House Agent Course inquiries – Ext: 7947/7944